General Q&A about physics of any type and at any level
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In the context of quantum field theory, why is it impossible for two photons (or other massless bosons like gluons) to collide and produce a single photon? This kind of a process is supposed to be ...
Hello All. New member here. I would like to preface this post with the fact that I'm not a physicist, nor formally educated in physics. I am a carpenter, albeit one with a high IQ( 149/154 tested)....
So as we know energy equals pressure times volume, therefore pressure equals energy divided by volume. The density of TNT is 1.65 and the energy per metric ton is 4.184 GJ. That makes 6.9036 GJ per...
Nuclear explosions create electromagnetic pulses which are a hazard to electronics. Would someone a few star systems over from a core collapse supernova be in danger? A quick search turned up onl...
We commonly say that something has a weight, which is synonymous with a mass. Things have a weight because the force of gravity is relative to something’s mass. Subatomically, what is mass? There ...
Suppose you have a wooden board lying horizontal, with grain along the long axis as is the case with normal boards. There is a wooden dowel embedded into the board, as is the case with common dowe...
I understand this is a chain of dubious assumptions, but I'm not sure exactly where I go wrong with this line of thought. Thanks to Hawking, we understand that black holes radiate particles. Howev...
I'm working on a problem involving a pulley system, and I’m confused about how the tension changes when forces are replaced by masses. Initially, if I apply forces of 20 N and 15 N directly at the...
I want to write some code to control my whole house humidifier. I want my code to calculate the percentile relative humidity above which dew will form on my windows. I have sensors for air tempera...
My question. I have started reading (on my own) B.Hall, "Quantum Theory for Mathematicians (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 267)", Springer, 2013. In the introduction section, the author says that...
I am led to understand that a proposed frequency auction by the Federal Communications Commission[1] has been criticized because part of the spectrum is used to gather data on weather systems. How...
What are the SI units of the wavefunction Ψ(x).I know that [Ψ(x)]^2 describes the probabilty of finding a quantum object at a certain quantum state but what about the wavefunction instead?
A computer can store some number $n$ of bits in memory, and it can perform some number $m$ of essential computational operations, such as addition or multiplication, and rewrite those bits to memor...
There are a couple different types of indoor air humidifiers. Most notably, the naive steam humidifier with a heating element, and then ultrasonic humidifiers. Now, heating water to create steam o...
Presuppose that I need vinegar of $c$ concentration, where $c$ < any concentration listed below. Let $w$ be the price of water that I'll use to dilute. How do I deduce which concentration (of V...
Starting from the classical osmosis experiment, a U-shaped tube with a semi-permeable membrane, I would like to consider the case when the solute added to one of the compartments (labelled A) is co...
At home daily, I need to mix my table salt + COLD tap water. As "Marine salts dissolve faster and more thoroughly when added to circulating water," I "use a powerhead to speed up mixing time — my V...
Gravitational waves can be derived from the non-linear Einstein field equations and since they are by definition waves they must obey the wave equation: $u_{tt}=c^{2}u_{xx}$ but in General Rela...
Question I was wondering what force make drop slow down? Does every time a drop push toothpick back into bottle? And of course how to solve it. Struct This is a bottle be pierced by a wooden too...
Suppose we have a gravitational wave which obeys the equation: $[G_{tt}-c^{2}G_{xx}]h_{\mu\nu}=0$ Lets take the case where $h_{\mu\nu}\ne0$ so we are left with the classical wave equation.Suppose...
Suppose a ferromagnetic material with initial magnetization $M_o$.Is there some specific formula which calculates the total magnetization $M$ as a function of $M_{o}$ and the Curie temperature $T_{...
Lets say we have a mass connected to a spring.Assuming not any friction the ODE which describes the system is $m\frac{d^{2}x}{dt^{2}} = -kx$ We can set 2 Dirichlet boundary conditions $x(0)=0$ an...
I was recently reading some questions here and there saying that "relativistic mass is outdated". I saw someone saying that "outdated" doesn't mean the concept is wrong. My question is what physici...
I'm trying to understand the uncertainty principle and its implications for particle measurement. From what I've read, it seems that the principle states that we cannot simultaneously know the exac...
If we have a force which changes depending on the position of a particle, how can we find the position of the particle at some time $t$? We can find its velocity if it has travelled a given distan...
Suppose we have a arc of charges with some charge density $\lambda(\theta) = sin\theta$.I am using polar coordinates for convenience.But how can I find the direction of the unit vector of the net e...
I need to separate these two parts, the opposite of the GIF below. While my hunky husband was lifting the chair up, and my brawny brother pushing the frame down, I kept hitting the top of the slid...
The general formula for a EM wave (solving for the E field) is: where $\varepsilon = \varepsilon _{r}+j\frac{\sigma }{\omega }$ My professor told me that the conductivity of vacuum is 0 so we...
Maxwell's first law in differential form states that $$ \triangledown \cdot E = \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_{o}} $$ . In case of 1d can we say that $$\rho = \lambda$$ where $$\lambda$$ is the linear char...
Part 1 Say we have a round water pool, the radius is 10m, and the water depth is 2m. C is a fixed point: Fixed on the surface of water. Fixed at the center of the pool. F1 is stable forc...
Say we have a four underwater components tidal power / hydro power system. Component A. A propeller would always orient along the same direction regardless the direction of the flow. This is th...
The title is a framing for a theoretical question; I'm not asking for practical advice. A friend was recently in this situation and my attempts to apply what I remember of a couple semesters of co...
When a pendulum made of a conducting material moves through a magnetic field, it's a well-established fact that it experiences a retarding force, thus slowing it down, however, I'm unable to unders...
Suppose we perform the double slit experiment , but we fire instead 2 electrons instead of 1. In the double slit experiment performed in the 1920s a interference pattern was observed at the screen...
Suppose we have a free falling object inside a planet's gravitational field with strength g.The planet's atmosphere provides a drag force which is dependant from the u^2 of the particle. Suppose t...
Suppose we are using a force gauge to measure gravity in a planet. We set the gauge force to the 1N range which has a resolution of .01 N. From its specs the error introduced during the measurmen...
Get 2 conductors and seperate them we can use Gauss's law to calculate the capacitance created by the seperation of the 2 conductors.Can we use other laws of electromagnetism to calculate the induc...
What examples of a system can be described by a system of ordinary differential equations?
Im designing a capacitor and I have decided to make the surface of 1 plate of the capacitor bigger than the other plate. How are the charges sorted through A2?Are they spread out to cover all th...
If we have a LC high pass filter the transfer function H(s) becomes: $$ H(s) = \cfrac{sL}{sL + \cfrac{1}{sC}} $$ If we solve for s to find a pole of the transfer function we get: $$ s = j \cfrac...
These WorldFamous companies advertise that their lenses can control myopia for kids, NOT adults. But none of these lenses are approved by FDA. I asked my optometrist why merely kids, not adults. Bu...
My optometrist said that round eyeglass lenses are OPTICALLY better than rectangular, particularly to correct myopia. He was NOT referring to fashion or style. I couldn't understand his explanatio...
With time dilation a cosmonaut could travel forth in time, especially in light speed. But are there much lesser speeds which might be achievable by humans in the next 100 years which could also in...
I never grokked the optics behind LightHouses and the WW2 poster below work. LightHouse beams are narrow and focussed. Doubtless, the light source can fail to illumine a seafarer or the enemy subm...
Please see below screenshot of 15:59.The LED spot light (fastened to the front of the boat) illumines merely a few meters in front, and fails to illumine most of the water between the boat and the...
I was looking for equation of motion. I came up with a solution but it doesn't satisfy me. Cause I was trying to find motion of that particle using Lagrangian. We know that $$W=\int \vec F\cdot d\...
Which one is correct? $$E=mc^2$$ or $$E^2=(mc^2)^2+(pc)^2$$ I mostly seen $$E=mc^2$$ from my childhood, and when I was learning problem solving in relativistic mechanics I had seen $$E^2=(mc^2)^2...
$$\sum_i F_i \cdot \delta r_i$$ is virtual work when internal force is $0$. For that reason, $$\sum_i F_i \cdot \delta r_i = 0$$ Here internal force stands for what? When a object's displacement ...
I'm interested in knowing the surface temperature of both sides of a double-pane or triple-pane window. Given the R-value of the window, and the air temps outside and inside, how can I calculate t...
I was looking for book on classical thermodynamics. I found lot of related posts in PSE but couldn't find a book which type I was expecting. I was searching for book which covers the whole thermody...