I recommend which, while a bit hard to read, is more comprehensive and written by someone more authoritative than me. My research did...
Think about how that is supposed to work. It seems you want two photons to somehow combine into a single photon and nothing else. That means the output photon must have the combined energy of the...
It's perhaps easier for me to say or suggest what the scope excludes than what it includes - the field and surrounding areas of physics are broad and not always well-defined in themselves. In term...
As the pendulum swings, it experiences a changing magnetic field from the externally fixed magnets. Any changing magnetic field causes eddy currents in a conductor. Since these conductors aren't ...
There is no one answer. The dimensions are inferred from the fact that $\left| \psi\right|^2$ represents a probability density. Perhaps the most straight-forward way is to consider the normalizatio...
Sure, this community is for physics. Great! But... what does that actually mean? How broad is the scope? What is considered on-topic, and what are things that the term "physics" might include, but ...
The title is a framing for a theoretical question; I'm not asking for practical advice. A friend was recently in this situation and my attempts to apply what I remember of a couple semesters of co...
No, this site is about physics, not chemistry. Whether something is on topic anywhere else has no bearing on it being on topic here. That said, there are some gray areas between physics and chemi...
After 4 edits, it seems you are asking whether there are places in the universe where galaxies can form, but planets in those galaxies can't support life. It seems you want life to be impossible d...
I was introduced to a somewhat novel derivation of the ideal gas law that starts by thinking about the number of microstates of an ideal gas, $\Omega$. Say we have a gas with a single particle in a...
I am not a marketer so my idea may not be good. As a physics enthusiast I can give some thoughts. Recently, I was just reading questions and answers in PSE just to learn new things. And what I h...
The Rayleigh-Jeans law does a good job of describing the spectral radiance of a black body at low frequencies: $$B_{\nu}(T)=\frac{2kT\nu^2}{c^2}$$ with $T$ the temperature and $\nu$ the frequency...
I was recently reading some questions here and there saying that "relativistic mass is outdated". I saw someone saying that "outdated" doesn't mean the concept is wrong. My question is what physici...
This looks like a typical halogen light bulb. They are: Extremely hot Very bright Very small The combination means that, until bright, efficient and affordable white LEDs came along (LEDs h...
I want to write some code to control my whole house humidifier. I want my code to calculate the percentile relative humidity above which dew will form on my windows. I have sensors for air tempera...
Semi-holonomic constraints look something like the following: $$f(\mathbf{q},t)=\sum_{i=1}^nf_i(\mathbf{q},t)\dot{q}_i+f_0(\mathbf{q},t)=0$$ with the requirement that $f(\mathbf{q},t)$ be integra...
The light shines on everything in an unblocked direct line from the light source. This light is quite bright, so can be seen by human eyes all the way out to the horizon (until the curvature of th...
Electrical Engineering has a Papers category, for writing short articles of original work, which I for one think is a great idea. Similar to such a category would be a 'paper review' category, whe...
Since you specify in the title that you're asking about ways to "aquire gravity", I'm going to assume that by "natural gravity" in the question body you refer to a gravitational acceleration substa...
As we start on building a new community here together, we're bound to find some sticking points. Those might be bugs, new features you need, things you need support with... whatever they are, the C...
I have heard the physicist Laurence Krauss claiming that he believes that the universe is flat. Okay, but if we take four astronomers and we put one in the north pole, one in the south pole, one i...
This depends, of course, on what you are trying to achieve with the model. Remember that a model is a simplification for purpose of analysis, because the full physics is either too complicated or ...
To understand this, it helps to look at a dimension less. Imagine, you're having a dispute with a flat-earther about whether the earth is a sphere or a flat plane. Moreover, there's a third person...
If we have a force which changes depending on the position of a particle, how can we find the position of the particle at some time $t$? We can find its velocity if it has travelled a given distan...
$$\sum_i F_i \cdot \delta r_i$$ is virtual work when internal force is $0$. For that reason, $$\sum_i F_i \cdot \delta r_i = 0$$ Here internal force stands for what? When a object's displacement ...