Calculate inductance using laws of electromagnetism
Get 2 conductors and seperate them we can use Gauss's law to calculate the capacitance created by the seperation of the 2 conductors.Can we use other laws of electromagnetism to calculate the inductance of a piece of wire just like we used Gauss's law to calculate the capacitance of the 2 seperated conductors?
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The incremental inductance depends on the natural log of the l/d ratio. It also is reduced by the gap of the return conductor but is not affected by the dielectric around it.
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Can we use other laws of electromagnetism to calculate the inductance of a piece of wire just like we used Gauss's law to calculate the capacitance of the 2 seperated conductors?
Yes. The inductance of a length of wire is a function of the diameter of that wire and the material around it.
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