When selecting needs author attention it doesn't reach to moderator
I had flagged the post as off-topic. There was a comment automatically created (Post Feedback). When I visited the flag raised page. I noticed it's not available anymore. Seems like, if I choose needs author attention
than, it doesn't reach to moderator. But, some kind of questions can't be made on-topic (no matter what I edit). I must have to change topic to make that on-topic. So, I am proposing to send request to moderator.
Some time,"no matter how much we tell user update question they never do any changes"
That's why Needs author attention
should reach to moderator also.
1 answer
Could be either [status-declined] or [status-bydesign], but this seems more of a request than a bug report, so I went with declined.
This is how this one is supposed to work. A common and misguided use of flags on the SE network has always been to flag a post needing improvement to the moderators. That's not something the moderators can or should do; the author needs to improve the question. That's why there's a category for these flags here, and why they end up as a comment on the post. There is text in the UI to let you know what's going to happen:
If there's some reason the post does actually need moderator attention (i.e. it needs more than just author improvement), select a different more appropriate flag reason. If it's off-topic, it should be closed.
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